Category Archives: Blog

Carb Tolerance? SON OF A …..!

A question I’ve had from many clients, and I’m sure most trainers have as well, is why can’t I lose weight? I’ve been eating well and working out, I don’t get it. Or, I’m eating just like my husband, not as much, but he’s losing weight and I haven’t budged! I’m so frustrated! We break […]

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ACL Injuries & Recovery: What you Need To Know – Part I

ACL Injuries & Recovery: What you Need To Know – Part I I’ve been working with post-surgery ACL patients for almost 6 years now, both young athletes and adults.  It still astonishes me how many females tear their ACL’s compared to males. So, I am going to start a series of blog posts about the […]

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Importance Of Foam Rolling In Your Workout

I thought I’d start my first post with something I insist every one of my clients does before a workout,  foam rolling. Foam rolling has gotten a bad rap in the past by professionals claiming it’s bad for you and can actually cause harm to yourself. Well, yes it does hurt but that hurt is […]

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